Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday, February 14, 2011

What's Awesome Today's top 5 movies of 2010

My top 5 of this year is (in my opinion) awesome

1. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
Directed by Edgar Wright
Written by Michael Bacall and Edgar Wright
It is hard not to put Edgar Wright's ridiculously fast paced “Scott Pilgrim” at the top of my list. The whole movie is just one long rollercoaster ride that never lets up and never gets boring. The first time I saw the movie my jaw dropped after the opening credits and after seeing it more than 4 times I can safely say that the movie continues to impress me every time I see it. Every time I pop the blu ray into my player I become instantly involved and totally into the world that has been created. Even if you don't love the movie you can't deny the creativity and technical sophistication that went into every frame. Visual effects are used constantly but in a way that feels fresh and truly spectacular. This movie is easily creeping its way up to becoming my favorite movies of all time and a lot of people had problems with me saying this but I still stand by my statement simply because no movie has ever filled me with as much joy and excitement as Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

2. Exit Through the Gift Shop
Directed by Banksy
Now before I start this review I have to say that I fucking love street art. I think it is art in one of it's purest forms, where only the truly dedicated will even try because there is such a high risk. Before the movie I already enjoyed street art but this movie made me obsessed with it. From the amazing opening montage which sums up everything great about the street art movement, to the amazingly interesting Thierry, to the vigilante imagery and almost batman like quality of banksy, this movie is an hour and a half of pure entertainment. By the end of the movie you will have learned so much and experienced so much without even realizeing how much you are learning while you are watching it. Exit through the Gift Shop is everything I love about street art printed on a film reel and that is why I love it.

See the rest of my top 5 and the honorable mentions by clicking below

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Gorillaz

The Gorillaz are awesome

Hunter S. Thompson + Conan O'Brien

This video is awesome

That feeling

You know that feeling you get when you think that you ate both of your cookies but then you look down and there is still one their? Ya, that is awesome.